The story of The Resurrector: Timeline


My eldest daughter in grade 9 decided to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) to write a 50K word novel. I decided to join her with the nugget of idea I had in my head for a few years: what if someone can bring back a person from the dead? After 30 days and lots of coffee, the story of The Resurrector emerged.


Once the story was there, I started editing, which was a whole new game. I had to understand how to structure a real book and struggled quite a bit with that. Was The Resurrector doomed?


I believed in the story of The Resurrector so I had to learn in a structured way about creative writing and the novel form. I registered to the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies (UofT SCS) Creative Writing program, and improved the manuscript with the help of author professors such as Alexandra Leggat, Lynn Crosbie and more.


I needed to know if I was the only one who liked the story of The Resurrector, or also potential readers. So I printed a few copies of the version I had, and enlisted several friends to be my beta readers. I got some great feedback from all of them, which helped me improve the story line and grammar!


I finally felt the story is ready for publication, and started submitting query letters to literary agents. But, alas, none of them got back to me, which was a huge disappointment. The Resurrector stayed in my drawer for a few more years. I didn’t have the courage to self publish it!


COVID-19 hit and we all moved to work at home. To feel more connected, I started socializing and networking with other professionals on LinkedIn. This is where I met Matt Green, whom with later I started our own podcast, Product for Product. I also met Phyllis Njoroge, who participated on our podcast as a guest.


Seeing Pyhllis’ post about the Creator Institute search for new authors, I contacted them and spoke with Eric Koester, who referred me to New Degree Press. The Resurrector was accepted for their next cohort, and the rest is history! I completed a successful presale campaign in August, sold more than 160 copies of the book!


With the dedicated team of editors, coaches and designers at NDP, especially my Marketing and Revision Editor Rebecca Bruckenstein, The Resurrector is ready to release! January 18th 2022 is the official release date, and the celebrations – and promoting the book – start! The Resurrector is available on Amazon, B&N and other bookstores.