The Resurrector – Dictionary
Hebrew and Jewish terms used in The Resurrector:
Abba | Father |
Aliyah (made aliyah) | Jewish person immigrating to Israel |
Amida | Main section of the daily services, performed standing up. On weekdays called also Shmone Esre |
Bagruyot | Israeli matriculation exams |
Baruch HaShem | Thank God |
Baruch rofeh cholim | Blessed is He who heals the sick |
Bechavod | With respects |
Beit haknesset | Synagogue |
Beshert | Soul mate |
Bet, Resh, Aleph, Shin, Yud, Taf. | The 6 Hebrew letters spelling “Bereshit”, In the beginning, Genesis |
Bnei Akiva Shevet Ma’alot | Youth group “Bnei Akiva”, group named “Ma’alot” |
Chai | Life |
Chassidish | Of the Hasidic way |
Chevra Kadisha | A Jewish organization who see to it that the bodies of deceased Jews are prepared for burial according to Jewish tradition and are protected from desecration, until burial. |
Chiloni | Secular person |
Chumash Bereshit | First book for the Torah, Genesis |
Chutzpah | Nerve, gall, the quality of overstepping boundaries with no shame |
Eliyahu Hanavi | Elijah the Prophet |
Eretz Israel | Land of Israel |
Farbrengen | Joyous gathering |
Gabbay | An officer of the synagogue |
Hachnasat Kallah | Helping poor young women get married |
Halachah | Jewish law |
Hamakom Yenachem | May He comfort you |
Havdallah | Ceremony marking the end of the Sabbath |
Hesder Yeshiva | Israeli yeshiva program which combines advanced Talmudic studies with military service in the Israel Defense Forces |
Heterim | Leeways in the Jewish law |
Imma | Mother |
Kaddish | Hymn of praises to God recited after the dead in their memory |
Kibud horim | The commandment of respecting thy father and mother |
Kippah | Brimless cap worn by male Jews |
L’chaim | To life |
Ma pitom! | No Way! |
Ma’ariv | The evening religious service, one of 3 daily |
Magen David Adom | Red Star of David, emergency medical services |
Mechaye Hametim | The Resurrector |
Mekubal | Kabbalist |
Merkaz | Center, the center metropolitan surrounding Tel Aviv |
Mezuzah | A parchment inscribed with religious texts and attached in a case to the doorpost of a Jewish house. |
Mincha | The mid-day religious service, one of 3 daily |
Minyan | 10 men required for praying together in the daily services |
Mishnah | First written form of the traditional Oral Torah |
Mishnayot | The smallest unit in which the Mishnah is divided to (paragraphs in chapters) |
Mitzvah | Commandment of the Jewish law. A good deed done from religious duty. |
Mohel | A person who performs the Jewish rite of circumcision. |
Motek | Sweetheart (endearment) |
Neshamah | Soul |
Parashat HaShavua | Weekly portion of the Torah |
Pashkevilles | Ultra-Orthodox posters |
Pikuach Nefesh | Preservation of life |
Refuah shlema | Speedy recovery |
Schnor | Begging for money |
Schtinker | Tattletales |
Shabbat | Sabbath, Saturday |
Shabbat Irgun | An annual Sabbath celebration by the Bnei Akiva youth group |
Shacharit | The morning religious service, one of 3 daily |
Shalom | Hello |
Sheitel | Wig (for a woman) |
Shiva | A period of seven days’ formal mourning for the dead, beginning immediately after the funeral |
Shmone Esre | 18 blessings, part of the weekday’s daily services. See Amida |
Shomu Shama’yim | Heaven forbid |
Sidur | Prayers book |
Taharah | Purification of the body for burial |
Tallit | Prayer shawl |
Talmud | A central text of Rabbinic Judaism |
Tefilah | Prayer |
Tehillim | Psalms |
Teshuva | Repentance |
Tizku L’Mitzvot | May you merit good deeds |
Torah | The 5 books of Moses |
Tzadik | Righteous man |
Tzadik ben tzadik | Righteous man son of a righteous man |
Tzadikim | Righteous people |
Tzitzit | 4 cornered garment with tassels tied on each corner, worn by observant Jewish men |
Ulpana | Religious high-school for girls only |
Vayeshev | And he sat |
Yeshiva | Religious high-school and high-education institute, for boys/men only |
Yetzer ha’rah | The evil inclination |
Zichrono Livracha (Z”L) | Blessed be his memory |