Author Series: The Shiva

In The Resurrector, the shiva takes a front and center role in the movement of the story. From the first paragraph of chapter one, we are introduced to the grieving family, as they sit shiva. But what is a shiva, and why does it take such a center role in the Jewish lifecycle? The literal meaning of the word shiva is seven. And the verb “to […]

Author Series: Write What You Love to Read

They say that you should write what you love to read, for a few good reasons. One is that we have to read our own books so many times before it sees the light, that we better like it! On a more serious note, when we write what we love reading, we can reach deeper depth in story arch, characters […]

Author Series: Write What You Know

Some people, when I tell them about the story of The Resurrector, ask me if it is based on a real story. Well, if you believe in life after death, and the ability to bring someone from the dead, then you could believe it is based on a real story. But of course, this is just a belief; no one […]

Eyes On Me

This little flash story was written for a creative writing class at University of Toronto. Later on, it was picked up by the talented Elijah Lucian for his YouTube series of flash fictions which he narrated. Eyes On Me is featured in his second collection. You can listen to the entire collection here: Flash Fiction Volume 2 – “Doo-Dads”. Check […]

Farmer J

By Moshe Mikanovsky First published on The Nabu Review, Issue 003, Nov 4, 2018, Paragon Press “Thank you dear,” the older man nodded, and sat down in the empty chair. “You are welcome,” Liu said, adjusting in her new seat. The plastic felt cooler under her thin stockings. I should have worn a longer skirt, she thought, but still not […]